Self-Sovereign KYC

Enabling human-centric control over digital identity and KYC data

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A New Paradigm for KYC Compliance

Know your counterparty ("KYC") is a business process workflow used to identify and verify individuals or organizations to comply with regulatory rules. This process involves a lot of costly and time-consuming manual verification, leading to operational inefficiencies and poor user experience.

Built vertically on top of ProximaX's blockchain-powered digital identity platform named SiriusID, the SiriusKYC app improves KYC workflows through real-time and zero-knowledge proof KYC verification (minimal or no disclosure of personally identifiable information).

Termed "self-sovereign KYC", individuals and organizations can own and control their online digital identity and KYC data, creating a new paradigm for KYC compliance.

Introductory Paper

Key Features of SiriusKYC

Digital identity ownership

Instantly verifiable KYC claims

Control over KYC data disclosure

Zero-knowledge proof KYC verification

Automated regulatory compliance using Supercontract

Customizable due diligence forms

Screening and facial recognition integration


Generation of regulatory reports

Benefits of SiriusKYC

Fast and easy user onboarding

Improved user experience

Identity theft protection

Minimized or no disclosure of personally identfiable information

Increased trust and confidence between transacting parties

Transparency for auditors and regulators

ProximaX 区块链解决方案

作为区块链和分布式分类帐解决方案的领导者,我们正在不断开发区块链和分布式分类帐技术的新方法,以改善您的业务。 我们工作的基础是 ProximaX 天狼星,这是具有分布式存储,流和数据库层的下一代基于区块链的开发平台。 多重签名,超级合约,聚合交易和跨链技术等高级功能可确保我们的应用程序和系统解决方案得到最高安全性和最佳性能。

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ProximaX’s vision is to drive the mass adoption of blockchain technology by making it easy, accessible, and practical to implement and use. Our blockchain-powered development platform empowers companies and organizations with cutting-edge solutions that emphasize data security, integrity, and reliability while maximizing cost-efficiency.

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